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ultra-secret internet diary!



November 23, 2002

Dear Diary,

Man that was fun. I just got finished performing in the groundbreaking smash hit, Osama Yo Mama at the Sacred Fools Theater. I was glad to be part of a show that delivered a swift kick to the groin of political correctness. Take that Political Correctness!!!! My friend Amir Talai wrote and directed the show, and if you want to hear more about it from his perspective just click not on this link but this one. He's also the guy to send hate emails to not me. I, unlike him, love all the peoples of the world big and small and as I'd like to point out again, HE wrote it. That jerk. It was amazingly fun being involved with this production. I spent many nights on the phone with Amir talking about bits in the show that he wanted my advice on. "Should I use this word or this word here?" "What do you think of this bit?" "Do you think we can get Kevin Spacey on Equity Waiver?" etc. It got to the point where we started to talk in Hollywood jargon. Amir was delighted to have gotten some of the Sacred Fools Crime Scene regulars like Henry Dittman and Laura Esposito. "According to Amir we now had "name value" and "star power" and that would pull in some of the regular Crime Scene "fan base". Wow, this Hollywood scene really gets to you whether you want it to or not. Gee Diary, I sure hope that you and everyone reading you got to see this show for the 2 weeks it ran but if any of you out there are saddened by the fact that you did not get to see it or want to see it again there may be hope for you yet. You will soon be able to watch a streaming video of the performance in the Acting Section. Check back soon to see if it is up. I'll talk to you soon Diary.