holy faq
who is mikey newman?
only the greatest actor you've never heard of.
what is mikey newman?
a thundering roundhouse blow to the skull of mediocrity.
where is mikey newman?
where is your casting couch?
when is mikey newman?
like a PBS telethon, he is neverending.
why is mikey newman?
justice needs a new name.
how is mikey newman?
ask around, baby. Just ask around.
an awkward, rambling introduction
Welcome to the official website of the actor Michael Alexander Newman! For those of you that don't know Mikey and his work let me give you a little background. Born the son of a chemical engineering professor at UC Berkeley, Michael nearly followed in his father's footsteps.
He enrolled at UC Berkeley with the intended major of Chemical Engineering but decided to waste his vast intellect and throw away a guaranteed high paying job so that he could grovel at the teat of Hollywood!
Will his Degree in Dramatic Arts prove to be as lucrative as his previous major? Only time will tell! So come on in and see what Mikey will do for money!
Note: Mikey will do anything for money. Especially breakdance.
Note: Mikey is not good at breakdancing.